Monday, May 28, 2012


c Judith Froemming 2012

"In every storm,

each moment offers shelter
in the stillness of your heart.

Be still, and know,
the center of the Universe,
exists within, not apart."

photo from Sunny Boy Good wall photos

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Music of One

The Music of One
c Judith Froemming 2012

"The music played by Heart,

penetrates walls of fearing.

The song sung by Light,
illumines each moment of living.

The harmonious dance of Spirit,
tunes discord to lives of sharing."

The Beauty of Diversity

The Beauty of Diversity
c Judith Froemming 2012

"Oh, the beauty of diversity,
each gift to this dimension.
No need to cause adversity,
in each kind, Love is mentioned."

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Light Beyond the Dream

Light Beyond the Dream
c Judith Froemming 2012

"Every sunrise
every sunset
every ray in between,
lifts the heart
gifts the soul
from Light beyond the dream." 

photo by Judy Goldberg

A Return to Quiet

 A Return to Quiet
c Judith Froemming 2012

"The frantic slicing and dicing of words
build voluminous sandwiches of indigestible doctrines.
Swallowed whole, 
they sit heavily, uneasily in the belly of the mind.

Unable to absorb any holy nutrition,
the body, loving balance,
spews out these synthetic constructions,
 and sighs a return to quiet emptiness."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Field of Flowers

Field of Flowers
c Judith Froemming 2012

"Field of flowers,
fragrance fair,
soothe a heart,
perfume the air.

In a breath,
undone is war.
Lavender waves
kiss peace's shore."

photo from Nancie Pacetti's wall photos

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Circle of Love

Circle of Love
c Judith Froemming 2012

"There is no end of love
from the stone for its home.
Yet it leaves to skip-dance across blue waters,
and rocket into orange, volcanic skies.
Until, remembering the Mother,
it returns home and builds a monument
to her unending circle of Love."

Stone Hanging by Lee Jae-hyo on Voglia Di Arte

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Color of Life

Color of Life
c Judith Froemming 2012
"Though death may come, cold and still,
the spirit remains bright and will
shimmer and shine the color of life,
lifting arms in Love for the Infinite."

photo by I Love Beauty of Nature

Unconditional Lover

Unconditional Lover
c Judith Froemming

"One day
your heart will find an unconditional lover,
and it will be you."


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Leaves of Pray

Leaves of Pray
c Judith Froemming 2012

"Teacher, tall and greening,
breathing in the Way;
silent wisdom, dearth of preaching,
shining leaves of Pray.

Shimmering in the rain,
flexing to the storm,
deep roots, sunk beneath the bane,
anchoring limbs to warmth."

photo by Gulenay Pema Gauri

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

With A Wink

With A Wink
c Judith Froemming 2012

"A weed in this illusory world,
grows wild and natural,
not wanted, not trusted.

Not taken with neat rows,
amused by plans to control its rambling life,
it plays 'round the synthetic cultivateds.

Ignored for it's intrinsic life force,
un-investigated for its easy wild gifts,
it grows and goes with a wink."